Thursday, June 5, 2014

form element - radio button

Radio buttons are one type of graphical user interface element that allows the user to choose only one of the available options.

And this is the HTML code behind it,

You can see they have the same name,


this is an important character of radio buttons, they all share the same name and that's how browser knows to switch to the answer you just clicked. We are going to use this feature to locate the radio button group and select the one clicked by user. For this mailing option radio group, we can define a Name selector enum instance for it,

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * This enum has elements with ByName from Selenium By API.
public enum Name implements Supplier<By> {


    private final By by;

    private Name(String id) { =;

     * @return the by instance variable which is a ByName.
    public By get() {
        return by;

    public String toString() {
        return by.toString();

To find all elements with the same name, we need to use the findElements method of WebDriver, since Selenium Capsules encapsulate Selenium API, the class to use is,

import com.algocrafts.pages.Element;
import com.algocrafts.pages.Locators;
import com.algocrafts.selenium.Searchable;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class ElementsLocator<Where extends Searchable<Where>>
        extends Locators<Where, Stream<Element>> {

    public ElementsLocator(Supplier<By> selector) {
        super((Where where)
                        -> where.findElements(selector)

ElementsLocator extends a base locator called Locators and what it does is to pass a lambda expression to its super class. The lambda expression represents a Locator which calls the findElements of a Where generic parameter type which can be an AbstractPage, an Element or an AbstractForm.

This radioButtonGroup Locator is used to locate all the radio buttons into a Stream of Elements, if you don't understand what Stream is, you can think of it is a List.

And we also defined an enum for the values of the radio buttons

So on the ShoppingCartPage, we can also this method to select the radio, what it means is select the MailingOptions.No_Promotional_Mailers value from the radio group which can be located by Selector Name.MAILING_OPTION,, MailingOptions.No_Promotional_Mailers);

By the way, the following code works the same way as the code above, but the code above is much cleaner, that's the power of enum. ->"customFieldDS.customfield_ROW0_value"), 
                  "No promotional mailers. I will still receive updates on my MEAPs and other books.");

And here is the code for the radio method above, what it does is to create an instance of RadioButton class with parameter from where it is called, since it is called from cartPage, (Where) this refers to the page, and selector which is Name.MAILING_OPTION, and then call the setValue method of the RadioButton instance.

     * Choose the radio by given option.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param option   option
    default public void setRadio(Supplier<By> selector, Object option) {
        new RadioButton<>((Where) this, selector).setValue(option);

Here is a test setting the value of a radio and read it back,

public class RadioTest {
    public void testRadio() {
        Browser browser = Browsers.CHROME;
        Page page = new Page(browser);
        page.setRadio(MAILING_OPTION, No_Promotional_Mailers);

        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, fromString(page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION)));
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, from(page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION)));
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION, (s) -> from(s)));
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION, MailingOptions::from));

public enum MailingOptions {

    Weekly_Newsletter("Weekly newsletter--New books, updates, news, and special offers"),
    Deal_Of_the_Day("Deal of the Day--These amazing special offers last just 24 hours!"),
    No_Promotional_Mailers("No promotional mailers. I will still receive updates on my MEAPs and other books."),
    Keep_Me("Keep me on the lists I'm already on.");

    private final String string;

    private MailingOptions(String string) {
        this.string = string;, this);

    public String toString() {
        return string;

     * This method filtering the enum constants using the string and return the first one.
     * @param string the string value
     * @return enum with the string value
    public static MailingOptions fromString(String string) {
        return of(values()).filter((o) -> string.equals(o.string)).findFirst().get();

     * This method look up the enum constant in the map.
     * @param string
     * @return
    public static MailingOptions from(String string) {

    private static class MapHolder {
        private static final Map<String, MailingOptions> map = newHashMap();

There are some subtle difference between the 4 assert statements,
        //This line converts the String to MailingOptions using fromString method.
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, fromString(page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION)));

        //This line converts the string to MailingOptions using the from method.
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, from(page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION)));

        //This line calls the getRadio method and passes in a lambda expression which converts the string to enum.
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION, (s) -> from(s)));

        //This line calls the getRadio method and passes in a method reference of MailOptions.from(String string).
        assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION, MailingOptions::from));

You can see Selenium Capsules framework uses enum extensively to increase the readability of the code, for comparison purpose, here is the code without using framework,
//This is an ugly test not using page framework, it has the same function as the test above. :(
public void testRadio() {
    System.setProperty("", "src/main/resources/chrome/chromedriver");
    WebDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
    List<WebElement> radios = webDriver.findElements("customFieldDS.customfield_ROW0_value"));
    for (WebElement radio : radios) {
       if (radio.getAttribute("value").equals("No promotional mailers. I will still receive updates on my MEAPs and other books.")) {

    radios = webDriver.findElements("customFieldDS.customfield_ROW0_value"));
    for (WebElement radio : radios) {
       if (radio.getAttribute("checked").equals("true")) {
          assertEquals("No promotional mailers. I will still receive updates on my MEAPs and other books.", radio.getAttribute("value"));

and code using the framework,
public void testRadio() {
    Browser browser = Browsers.CHROME;
    Page page = new Page(browser);
    page.setRadio(MAILING_OPTION, No_Promotional_Mailers);
    assertEquals(No_Promotional_Mailers, page.getRadio(MAILING_OPTION, MailingOptions::from));

form element - input

Quite often, test automation requires to fill out forms and click button or link to send data back to server, thus it is necessary to introduce some Classes to be responsible to do this repeated tasks such findElement, sendKeys etc.

Inputs are most common form elements for user to enter information, for a online shopping site, shipping information and billing information are required for any transaction,

On this form, most fields are inputs, and here is how to enter text on a single field,

        // Find the text input element by its name
        WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));

        // Enter something to search for

        // Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element

And it doesn't consider the possibility that it may require some waiting before you can find the element and send keys to it, all things considered, it could be very complex.
So it is necessary to introduce this method to combine all those small steps and provide and single transation like,
        put(()->"q"), "Cheese!");

So we can design an Input class to encapsulate the behaviour of read, write and autocomplete on html text input fields,

public class Input<Where extends Searchable<Where>> implements Supplier<String> {

     * the value of input field, for example, "good" will be return
     * <p>
     * String value = page.get(() ->"status"))
     * <p>
     * <input name="status" value="good"/>
     * @return the value of the input
    public String get() {

     * set the value of input field, for example,
     * <p>
     * after,
     * page.set(() ->"status"), "good");
     * <p>
     * it will be,
     * <input name="status" value="good"/>
     * @param value the value to set

    public void put(final Object value) {

     * Test the autocomplete function for the input by given selector, click the element
     * on the suggestion list which has the same value of value parameter.
     * <p>
     * Please refer ""
     * @param value   value
     * @param locator locator
    public void autocomplete(Object value, Locator<Where, Element> locator) {


public interface FormControl<Where extends Searchable<Where>> {

     * Check if the checkbox is checked by the given selector.
     * @param selector selector
     * @return true if it is checked.
    default public boolean isChecked(Supplier<By> selector) {
        return new Checkbox<>((Where) this, selector).isChecked();

     * Set checkbox to the given value.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param value    value
    default public void check(Supplier<By> selector, boolean value) {
        new Checkbox<>((Where) this, selector).setValue(value);

     * Read the value of the radio by given option.
     * @param selector selector
     * @return the value of selected radio.
    default public String radio(Supplier<By> selector) {
        return new RadioButton<>((Where) this, selector).get();

     * Choose the radio by given option.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param option   option
    default public void radio(Supplier<By> selector, Object option) {
        new RadioButton<>((Where) this, selector).setValue(option);

     * Select the dropdown by given value.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param value    value
    default public void select(Supplier<By> selector, Object value) {
        new Selection<>((Where) this, Locators.<Where>select(selector)).selectByVisibleText(value);

     * Read value from an input field.
     * @param selector selector
     * @return its value.
    default public String get(Supplier<By> selector) {
        return new Input<>((Where) this, selector).get();

     * Enter text into an input field.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param value    value
    default public void put(Supplier<By> selector, Object value) {
        new Input<>((Where) this, selector).put(value);

     * Autocomplete for text field and return the first found suggestion match the whole word.
     * @param selector selector
     * @param value    value
     * @param locator  locator
    default public void autocomplete(Supplier<By> selector, Object value, Locator<Where, Element> locator) {
        new Input<>((Where) this, selector).autocomplete(value, locator);
So for that form, it can be just like this,

package com.bookstore;

import com.algocrafts.domain.Countries;
import com.algocrafts.domain.UnitedStates;
import com.algocrafts.pages.AbstractPage;
import com.bookstore.domain.Address;

import static com.bookstore.BookStoreId.*;

public class BillingAddressForm extends AbstractPage {
    public BillingAddressForm(AbstractPage page) {

    public void setBillingAddress(Address address) {
        put(BILLING_FIRST_NAME, address.firstName);
        put(BILLING_LAST_NAME_, address.lastName);
        put(BILLING_ADDRESS1__, address.street1);
        put(BILLING_ADDRESS2__, address.street2);
        put(BILLING_STATE_____, address.state);
        put(BILLING_ZIP_______, address.zipcode);

    public Address getBillingAddress() {
        return new Address(


Input class and helpers in FormControl only give you most frequently used functions of the text input, reading its value and setting a value to it, if other functions of the input are needed for tests, please use Element instead, Element implement WebElement so it provides the same functionality as WebElement. It also have additional functions such as untilFound method which explicitly wait for the element to be found, this untilFound method is available to both Element and AbstractPage since it is a default method in Searchable interface, it handles explicit wait in a way similar to implicit wait which saves a lot of code to handle explicit wait.

     *  Find the first element until timeout then throw NoSuchElementException 
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
    default public Element untilFound(Supplier<By> by) {
        return until((Where page) -> new Element(findElement(by.get())));

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

what inside selenium capsules?

Selenium Capsules Selenium WebDriver
Searchable SearchContext
ExplicitWait FluentWait
Browser WebDriver
Element WebElement
Supplier By

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


In this post, table manners, I delibrately gave an incomplete test, just to show the way to read a table, now, I am going to talk another important topic, where to assert?

To organize assertion into a cohesive group and output meaningful difference message for debugging purpose, I defined a TableContents class to measure the actual table and put the differences inside a SetDiff class, it means the difference of two sets.

We need to add hashCode method in the Person class since it is used in a HashSet now,

SetDiff class uses Set Operation to find out what elements are only in expectation and what are only in actual results,

S1 - expectation, S2 - actual
only in expectation = S1 - S2
only in actual = S2 - S1

The test is complete.

By splitting responsibilities among different classes, the test becomes very clean, and the error messages can show what's the difference in expectation and actual results. For this test, let us pretend last time, there was only one row in the table,

So the expectation used to be,

Now you are making changes and added 3 rows of data, and changed first row from 49 to 50, when you run the test, here is the result,

It tells you what's the actual result, what is in expectation but doesn't show in actual result and the unexpected result in actual, best thing yet, you can just copy the actual result into the expectation after you verify it is the right result.

And test passes,

However, there is no assertion method in junit which takes Object as parameter, I wrote one by myself, but I am asking Kent Beck to add this into future release of junit.

Monday, June 2, 2014

table manners for selenium capsules

Here is a simple table,

Let us see how Selenium Capsules can help to read the content of it.

The Table class only has two methods now, getHeader and getRows, Stream is a new collection type appears in Java 8.

And here is the test to read the table,

You can see, the table supports type, it will return the type in a Stream. For this table, we define a simple domain class called Person,

    class Person {
        private final String firstName;
        private final String lastName;
        private final int points;

        Person(String firstName, String lastName, int points) {

            this.firstName = firstName;
            this.lastName = lastName;
            this.points = points;

        public String toString() {
            return firstName + "|" + lastName + "|" + points;

When we construct the Table, we need to pass a Locator to locate the table and a Mapper to map the contents in a row to the domain class,

        Locator<AbstractPage, Element> locator = Locators.<AbstractPage>element(MAIN).and(element(TABLE));

        Locator<Stream<Element>, Person> mapper = (stream) -> {
            Iterator<String> iterator =;
            return new Person(,, PARSE_INT.locate(;

The mapper will read all the TD tags in the TR tags and call the new Person for each TR tag.
            return new Person("Jill", "Smith", 50);

it prints this when you run it

The following code is called Method Reference in Java 8.


It has good table manners.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

decorating selenium

On Selenium HQ home page, selenium is defined as following,

Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well. Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.

Even since Selenium came into existence, it has been adopted by many projects as test automation library. Due to its open source nature, it became a preferred test tool in many organizations.

Selenium is not without shortcomings, it is a library, not a framework, so it doesn't provide mechanisms to reduce duplication. To write clean tests, it is necessary to add a level of abstraction on top of Selenium to form an enterprise framework. Selenium Capsules, is such an enterprise framework allowing developers to maximize theirs productivity by offering services to relieve developers from worrying about many common concerns such waiting, exception handling and logging. It also provides reference implementation to teach developers how to organize software artifacts. Behind the scene, this Selenium Capsules framework, is just an application of Decorator Pattern.

Let us have a look of the WebDriver interface,

WebDriver is an interface, it has many implementation classes such as FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, etc. When we use its method findElement(By), we may run into situation when the element is loaded by an Ajax request and we need to give instruction to the test to wait for a while until the element is displayed before calling it, otherwise, it would throw a NoSuchElementException. All these bullet plate codes will make the test code verbose and more difficult to find useful information. Thus it is desirable to attach additional logic to save developers from repeating this condition check and exception handling. However, since there are so many browsers implementation classes, it is not practical to extend all of them to add this waiting mechanism. Even if it is possible to extend those classes to add this override method, this method will be repeated in all of those concrete driver classes.

Decorator Pattern, a 20 years old design pattern by 2014, effectively solved our problem.

Another great tool is the default method in Java 8. In Java 8, some new methods are added to existing interface. As Java developers, we all know if a method is added to an interface, all implementing class need to be modified to add that new method, otherwise, it is a compilation error. That's why JDK interfaces have never changed. It is not the case any more. In Java 8, a new language feature is added to make it is possible to add new method into an existing interface, it is default method.

Default methods are methods with implementations in the interface. You may wonder, will this change make an interface an abstract class? No, Interface is still not an abstract class, even interface can have default methods, but it can't have instance variables, so the default method can only call method of a local variable, or methods from the same interface, thus interfaces still can't replace abstract classes since abstract classes can have instance variables.

An interface Browser, which extends WebDriver, is introduced into the framework to decorate WebDriver with additional responsibilities and it also provide default implementation of all the methods from WebDriver by just delegating the calls to WebDriver.

What's the reason to spend so much effort to decorate WebDriver? Many people may have this doubt at the beginning. The reason is simple, to attach additional responsibility to address some common concerns. This method in Browser interface takes advantage of some Java 8 syntax and transforms all WebElements it finds into Element classes, also its parameter is Supplier, not a By class like the original findElements method in the WebDriver, this feature is called method overloading in Object Oriented languages,
    default public Stream<Element> findElements(Supplier<By> by) {
        return findElements(by.get()).stream().map(Element::new);

Stream, Supplier and Element::new are Java 8 features which is covered in this blog, functional selenium.

Now that we decorated WebDriver to return Element object which is a decorator of WebElement, let us compare it the raw WebElement object to see what's the advantages it gives. Here are the methods of WebElement,

We need to do the same thing as the decorator to WebDriver, to add new methods to the extended interface to have the following method,

    default public Stream<Element> findElements(Supplier<By> by) {
        return findElements(by.get()).stream().map(Element::new);

Ultimately, we decorated SearchContext and added many new search methods to locate popular web widgets,by the assistance from default methods from Java 8, all those new methods are available to the implementation classes without extra effort for implementing them.

public interface Searchable<Where extends Searchable<Where>> extends SearchContext, Waitable<Where> {

     * Find the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
    Element findElement(By by);

     * Find the first element or return null if nothing found.
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or return null if nothing found.
    default public Element tryElement(By by) {
        try {
            return new Element(findElement(by));
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            return null;

     * Find the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
    default public Element untilFound(final By by) {
        return until((Where page) -> new Element(findElement(by)));

     * Find all elements within the area using the given search method.
     * @param by selector
     * @return A stream of all {@link Element}s, or an empty stream if nothing matches.
     * @see org.openqa.selenium.By
    default public Stream<Element> findElements(Supplier<By> by) {
        return findElements(by.get()).stream().map(Element::new);

     * Find the first button meeting the By method.
     * method to find the button.
     * @param by selector
     * @return
    default public Clickable button(Supplier<By> by) {
        return button(by, 0);

     * If there are multiple buttons with the same name on the same page, use this
     * method to find the button.
     * @param by    selector
     * @param index
     * @return
    default public Clickable button(Supplier<By> by, int index) {
        return new Button<>((Where) this, Locators.<Where>elements(by)
                .and(new StreamToList<>())
                .and(new ElementAtIndex<>(index)));

     * If the button can't be found using the previous two methods, use this.
     * @param locator
     * @return
    default public Clickable button(Locator<Where, Element> locator) {
        return new Button<>((Where) this, locator);

     * The first image using the image file.
     * @param fileName
     * @return
    default public Element image(String fileName) {
        return new FirstItem<Element>().locate(images(fileName));

     * The image at the given index using the same image file.
     * @param fileName
     * @param index
     * @return
    default public Element image(String fileName, int index) {
        return new StreamToList<Element>()
                .and(new ElementAtIndex<>(index))

     * Find the images using the same image file.
     * @param fileName
     * @return the images  using the same image file.
    default public Stream<Element> images(String fileName) {
        return until(Locators.<Where>elements(IMG)
                        .and(new Filter<>(DISPLAYED.and(SRC.and(new StringContains(fileName)))))

     * Find the link using the selector.
     * @param selector
     * @return
    default public Clickable link(Supplier<By> selector) {
        return new Link<>((Where) this, element(selector));

The new method tryElement will return null if it can't find the element immediately, and untilFound method will wait until timeout so either returns the element it is looking for or throw an NoSuchElementException. These new methods make it easier for testing AJAX enabled web applications which requires the extensive usages of try and wait.

     * Find the first element or return null if nothing found.
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or return null if nothing found.
    default public Element tryElement(By by) {
        try {
            return new Element(findElement(by));
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            return null;

     * Find the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
     * @param by selector
     * @return the first element or throw NoSuchElementException
    default public Element untilFound(final By by) {
        return until((Where page) -> new Element(findElement(by)));

The untilFound method effectively added support for Explicit Waits without cluttering your tests with millions lines of code like this,

   // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
   FluentWait<By> fluentWait = new FluentWait<By>(By.tagName("TEXTAREA"));  \\ define element for which you want to poll
   fluentWait.pollingEvery(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); \\ it will ping for every 3 sec
   fluentWait.withTimeout(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  \\ max time out
   fluentWait.until(new Predicate<By>() {
      public boolean apply(By by) {
         try {
           return browser.findElement(by).isDisplayed();
         } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
           return false;
   browser.findElement(By.tagName("TEXTAREA")).sendKeys("text to enter");
You can use call this method to enter data into a text input field on form,

   page.put(() -> By.tagName("TEXTAREA"), "text to enter");
Element is an implementation class of both WebElement and Searchable interfaces, thus, it can be used as source and target elements of a drag and drop action.

    public void testDragAndDrop() {
        Element source = CHROME.findElement("source"));
        Element target = CHROME.findElement("target"));
        Actions actions = new Actions(CHROME);
        actions.dragAndDrop(source, target);
It is cleaner if you use this method, it has the same effect as the one above.

    public void testDragAndDrop() {
        CHROME.dragAndDrop(id("drag1"), id("div2"));

As a comparison, here is the code without using framework,

    //This is an ugly test not using page framework, it has the same function as the test above. :(
    public void dragAndDropChrome() throws InterruptedException {
        System.setProperty("", "src/main/resources/chrome/chromedriver");
        WebDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
        WebElement source = webDriver.findElement(id("drag1"));
        WebElement target = webDriver.findElement(id("div2"));
        System.out.println(target.getTagName() + "=" + target.toString());

        Actions builder = new Actions(webDriver);
        Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(source)

From these examples, it is clear that the tests written using Selenium Capsules framework are much cleaner than the tests written using Selenium directly. This is the reason to decorate Selenium and the sole purpose of Selenium Capsules, to encapsulate selenium powder into clean capsules and make it easy to serve.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

all roads lead to rome - options to locate element and elements

Selenium provides an interface to locate an element or elements on web page, SearchContext, both WebDriver and WebElement implement this inerface.

It has two methods,
  • findElement(By by)
  • findElements(By by)
  • indElement(By by) will return the first element meeting the search criteria or throw a NoSuchElementException. The findElements(By by) will return a list of elements meeting the criteria which can be empty. The parameter By has many subclasses giving users many options to use, they are,

  • By.ByClassName
  • By.ByCssSelector
  • By.ById
  • By.ByLinkText
  • By.ByName
  • By.ByPartialLinkText
  • By.ByTagName
  • By.ByXPath

  • These classes are not meant to be instantiated directly by users, users are required to use the correspondent static factory method to create them, for example, id) will return a By.ById

    In my opinion, The By class in these methods is the best design strategy in Selenium WebDriver framework, it allows users to only one method to achieve many variations of the searching method. Without this By parameter, it would need The following methods,

  • findElementById(String id)
  • findElementsById(String id)
  • findElementByCssSelector(String css)
  • findElementsByCssSelector(String css)
  • findElementByClassName(String css)
  • findElementsByClassName(String css)
  • findElementByLinkText(String css)
  • findElementsByLinkText(String css)
  • findElementByName(String css)
  • findElementsByName(String css)
  • findElementByPartialLinkText(String css)
  • findElementsByPartialLinkText(String css)
  • findElementByTagName(String css)
  • findElementsByTagName(String css)
  • findElementByXPath(String css)
  • findElementsByXPath(String css)

  • Luckily, they didn't take this route.

    Joshua Block advised the same principle in his book, Effective Java, Avoid Strings when other types are more appropriate, please refer to Page 224 of Effective Java, Second Edition for more information.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static By className(java.lang.String className)
      Finds elements based on the value of the "class" attribute.
      static By cssSelector(java.lang.String selector)
      Finds elements via the driver's underlying W3 Selector engine.
      static By id(java.lang.String id) 
      static By linkText(java.lang.String linkText) 
      static By name(java.lang.String name) 
      static By partialLinkText(java.lang.String linkText) 
      static static By tagName(java.lang.String name) 
      static By xpath(java.lang.String xpathExpression) 
      WebElement findElement(SearchContext context)
      Find a single element.
      abstract java.util.List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context)
      Find many elements.

    If there are too many choices, people will be overwhelmed with the options. A lot of people often wonder which By class they should use.

    There are some rule of thumb,
  • If there is unique name for the input, use it, so it won't matter whether there is an id defined for that element, this is because inputs are meant to be sent back to server and the interface between browser is the name, so most input fields will have names. However,web servers don't require input fields have the unique names, so you may encounter some situation where multiple inputs sharing the same name. In that case, findElement will only return the first element. To locate the elements with the same name, findElements method can collect them into a List object, then other algorithms can be used to locate the element from the list.
  • ById
  • For non input elements, if there is an id associated with it, use the id, it makes the task easier,
  • For links, both linkText and partialLinkText can be used, but partialLinkText may return other links containing the partial link text
  • ByClassName
  • ClassName and TagName are not suitable for locating single element, they are used for locating a group of elements and since the search results are broader than other selectors, it may result in lower performance, however, I don't have benchmark data for this suspicion.
  • ByCssSelector and ByXpath
  • cssSelector and xpath are designed for advanced users, they require more knowledge on CSS and xpath of the XML DOM. Here are some links you can use for reference,

  • Let us practise on this field.

    <label for="shipping-zip" id="labelshipping-zip" class="text"><strong>Zip Code:&tl;/strong>
    <input type="text" class="text" name="shippingAddressDS.shipping_ROW0_zip" id="shipping-zip" size="10" maxlength="99" value=""  />
    // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
    // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
    // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
    // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
    You can see there are many different ways to locate the same element.

    These are the ways to locate the element, but they are not the ways that they should be used in the test automation projects, for example, when filling out a form and click a button, it usually need to locate multiple elements and call the sendKeys method on each of them, such as,

    // ☹ this is a bad example, please don't follow the style.
    try {
       WelElement webElement = webDriver.findElement("shippingAddressDS.shipping_ROW0_zip"));
    } catch(NoSuchElementException e) {
    This is just the code for one input field, if you are doing this way for all input fields on the form, your tests will be full of code.

    There is a better way than using Selenium directly, here is an example,

    So just call,
    //   ☺ This is a good example.
            put(BILLING_ZIP_______, address.zipcode);

    All Roads Lead to Rome, but there exists a shortest one.